A lot of women experience heartburn for the first time during pregnancy.
This is very common and generally harmless, but it can be quite uncomfortable.
Heartburn occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle responsible for keeping stomach contents in their place, starts to relax or leak, allowing stomach acids to flow upward into the esophagus.
Pregnant women often experience heartburn for two reasons:
Firstly, the hormone relaxin—busy limbering up your joints and connective tissue for an easier delivery—slows your digestion, this means the food you eat food stays in your stomach longer than usual, thereby triggering more acid production.
Second, your growing baby mounts pressure on both the stomach and the LES, increasing the chance that acids will be pushed up into the esophagus.
Natural ways to relieve heartburn during pregnancy
Most women with healthy, normal pregnancies will find it easy to relieve heartburn discomfort naturally.
Make sure that if you find your pregnancy heartburn persists or seems extra severe, see your physician or midwife.
Here are some natural pregnancy heartburn remedies:
Raw apple cider vinegar
Raw ACV is one of the small wonders of the world.
As stated earlier in this article, low stomach acid actually creates heartburn, so ACV works because it increases the acids, resulting in relief.
Make sure the vinegar you are using is raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and best in an amber bottle.
Mix 1-teaspoon vinegar (building up to 1 Tablespoon) with approximately 8 ounces water; sip this throughout the day and an hour before your meals.
Fresh lemon in water
Lemon juice aids in increasing the production of digestive juices and bile. This helps balance low stomach acids and also aids in digestion.
Squeeze 1-2 fresh lemons into a minimum of 8 ounces water.
Add stevia or honey. Sip.
Yogurt or Milk
Eating Yogurt or drinking a glass of milk can help relieve heartburn. Cow’s milk offers immediate relief for heartburn, however, some say over time it can worsen the heartburn, so try nut milk, rice milk or goat’s milk as alternatives.
You can warm the milk and add some honey; this seems to soothe the burning in the chest for some.

Managing Your Pets At Home
Your pets are your best friends and your constant companions. While they are a loving addition to your home, pets are not very easy to manage.
Your pets will require time, money, and love in addition to the specific needs of each animal and breed.
Before you get a pet, you need to be sure you want it not just that day but in the long-run.
So below are some tips you can follow to take care of your pets and get all the love back from them:
Proper Nutrition
A good diet is a priority for all kinds of pet. Even if you love your pets so much, if you’re not feeding them properly, then there’s something missing out in your affection for them.
Making sure your pet’s diet is proper and the kind of food given to them contains all the nutrients and minerals they need to keep them healthy and playful all the time, is the right way to go.
Take Your Pet for a Walk
Pets need to get out of the house so you can train them.
It is the best way to make them listen to you and understand that they have one and only one owner.
Your pets will also learn how to listen to others and know how to behave and what to do if you train them well for it.
Even pets want to break the monotony, so let them free outside.
Your pets need these injections. It is very important to have your pet get admitted to the hospital for infections and allergies. Pets have allergies too.
Clean environment
A clean environment is very important because your pets live where you do. They can only be free of germs if the environment is clean and hygienic.
Pets are really prone to getting infections if their environment isn’t neat and tidy.
Also, make sure that whatever you use to clean your house isn’t harmful to you and your pet. This is because they’re going to be trained enough not to climb on sofas and beds.
Visit the Vet
Visiting the vet is necessary because you have to check and keep into account how your pet is growing up and how well it’s adapting to its surroundings.
Ensure that you have a clear account of what your pet eats and how it reacts to it, what it’s allergic to etc.
Visiting the vet once a month is beneficial for your pet.

3 Old Movies To Re-Watch In 2017
While you’re looking forward to watching the best movies of 2017, why not try to re-watch the movies you enjoyed years back when you were still a teenager or a kid?
It is time to re-watch these 3 selected Classical movies that you watched years ago. You can even get your children watch them too.
The Sound of Music (1965)
Everybody loves this movie, both young and old.
The sounds of music is a tuneful, heartwarming story, based on the real-life story of the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world’s best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II.
Maria (Julie Andrews), a tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey becomes a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain with seven children and brings a new love of life and music into the home.
Titanic (1997)
The story begins in the present, at the site of the ship’s (Titanic) watery grave, two-and-a-half miles under the ocean surface.
An ambitious fortune hunter (Bill Paxton) is determined to plumb the treasures of this once-stately ship, only to bring to the surface a story left untold.
The tragic ruins fade away revealing the glittering palace that was Titanic as it prepares to launch on its maiden voyage from England.
Among the thousands of well-wishers bidding a fond bon voyage, two young souls, nurture a passion that would change their lives forever.
Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet) is a 17-year-old, upper-class American suffocating under the rigid confines and expectations of Edwardian society who falls in love with a free-spirited young steerage passenger named Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Once Jack opens her eyes to the world beyond her gilded cage, Rose and Jack’s forbidden love begins a powerful mystery that ultimately echoes across the years into the present. Nothing on earth is going to come between them — not even something as unimaginable as the sinking of Titanic.
Romeo and Juliet (1996)
Romeo and Juliet is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s story written early in his career.
The classic story of Romeo and Juliet is set in a modern-day city of Verona Beach.
The Montagues and Capulets are two rival families, whose children meet and fall in love.
They have to keep their love from the world because they know that their parents will not allow them to be together.
There are obstacles on the way, like Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, and Romeo’s friend Mercutio, and many fights. Although the movie is set in modern times, it is still the same timeless story of the “star-crossed lovers”.
Benefits Of Ginger
Growing up I never really liked Ginger, I am not really sure why. It could be because it was in virtually everything I ate back then.
Up till about 2 years ago, I was still against ginger being close to me; but recently, I enjoyed one of the amazing benefits of ginger (a story for another day) and since then I have not looked back. So, I decided to share with you some of the benefits of ginger, hoping you will start inculcating it in your lifestyle. Enjoy!
Health Benefits
Ginger aids in the treatment of chronic digestion
Ginger has been known to treat many forms of nausea and vomiting such as nausea after surgery, morning sickness and nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
It helps fight flu and common cold
It is effective against muscle pain and soreness
A mixture of ginger, cinnamon and sesame oil can reduce pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis patients when applied topically.
Ginger drastically lowers blood sugar levels
Ginger powder helps reduce menstrual pain
Ginger contains a substance, Gingerol that may help prevent cancer
Ginger helps protect against Alzheimer’s disease
It can help lower the risk of infection
Ginger is known to naturally improve diabetes and enhance insulin sensitivity.
in Ginger can help lower the risk of infection
Skin Benefits
Eating Ginger can help fight signs of aging such as wrinkles
Ginger is the best natural solution for getting rid of acne
Fresh ginger juice soothes and heals burns and blisters
Ginger root applied to the face can help give a refreshing glow
Fresh ginger is a great treatment for hypopigmentation
Hair Benefits
Ginger roots help reduce hair loss
Ginger contains natural antiseptic properties which help to fight dandruff issues
Using Ginger oil on the scalp increases blood circulation to the scalp, making hair silky and shiny at the same time. It can also help repair split ends and dry hair problems.
Mix a little with your shampoo and hair oil and notice the difference
Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice.

Side Hustle: Pig Farming
2017 is going to be our year, don’t just say amen. Let’s actually work towards it. Poultry farming was all the rage in 2015 but I can tell you from an insider’s perspective that the profit in that business dropped due to the exchange rate, the price of feed, labour etc. Don’t lose faith in the agricultural sector; there are many more options to consider and I suggest piggery.
There is an increasing demand for pork in Nigeria. Demand for pork in and around the southwest is quite high. In addition, many supermarkets are also selling more pork meat. If you check the stock they have, there are a lot of local brands.
Piggery is one of the most promising enterprises in the Nigerian livestock sector. This is because it requires little space and relatively small initial capital per unit head compared to other livestock enterprises. You do not have to wait till you own your farm to do this; you can lease a pen or a small space in a neighbourhood farm.
With pig production on a large scale, there are several options to market the products;
• Selling piglets at two months old to other farmers either for breeding or fattening.
• Selling young pigs usually at the age of six months for pork.
• Selling adult pigs for bacon
• Selling cull pigs after useful productive life.
The price of a piglet depends on the breed, you can buy for as little as N15,000 and as high as N50,000. The more expensive breed usually grows up to an enormous size in a relatively shorter period of time (an average of four months). To really cash in, I suggest you wait till full maturity before selling for bacon. You can purchase piglets from recognized farms. There is the misconception that pigs feed on trash but if you want your pigs to grow fast and healthy, you must purchase good feed and have a registered veterinary doctor on hand. It will not hurt to carry out more research and seek advice from those currently in the business.
Cheers to new ventures this year.
The Facts: Cervical Cancer Screening
Part of living a good life is being in good health; spirit, soul, and body. While you are putting the right clothes, the best weaves and the most exotic perfumes on that body, you have to take care of what is going on inside. If you want to be here to enjoy your hard work and you want to stay as long as you can to be there for those you love then you have to be healthy. One of the important bits about staying healthy is preventing the really dangerous diseases.
Cancer is scary but it is not impossible to defeat and early detection is key. Cervical cancer happens when cells in the cervix grow in an uncontrollable way and build up to a tumour. As the tumour grows, cells can eventually spread to other parts of the body and become life-threatening. Cervical screening involves taking a small sample of cells from the surface of the cervix. I know this sounds very technical but I have just had this done recently, it is more an odd feeling than pain. If you have had a vaginal swab taken before to check for infections the procedure is similar. The sample is sent to a laboratory and checked under a microscope to see if there any abnormal cells. These abnormal cells can develop into cancer if they are left untreated. Depending on the outcome of the test, your sample may be tested for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause cancer.
It is estimated that 6 out of 100 women will have abnormal cells. This does not automatically equal HPV but further tests are carried out. A normal result means all is well but you will be advised to screen in every three years if you are aged between 25 to 49 years and every five years if you are aged 50 to 64.
No need to fear ladies, just to keep you on top of things.
Love in Recession
‘There is no love without giving’.
That is the truth.
When you love someone you want to give to the person, you want to show your love. You want to solve all their problems. You want to do everything you can.
How can you do this when you are struggling financially, when you have so many challenges to address? How do you remind your beloved that those butterflies are still there without breaking the bank?
These suggestions may be the cheesiest thing you read in a long time but they have worked for many;
I know many men would frown at you when you keep posing for pictures and taking one thousand shots till you get the right one but you are hearing this from me “don’t stop”. There would come a time when things may not feel the same and one of you will need encouragement. Sometimes a picture perfect moment with a sweet caption will bring a smile to both of you
Yes, you say words of endearment every time but a card is a record of this. You know cards are much more valuable after time has passed
The Beach
You may never have the chance to gallop towards her like Prince Charming, you may never get the chariot but who says you can’t gallop across the beach? Sometimes the ridiculousness of these moments is what keeps the love sweet.
A Special Meal
Who says because it is home, it can’t be special? Bring out the good china and set the table, light a candle, put on some great music. Welcome with a smile and a sumptuous dish. Presentation is key
Go Dancing
No, I am not sending you to pop bottles at some expensive club. You can even hit somewhere local. Sometimes you just need to do the bump and grind to remind yourselves you still got it
Buy a sentimental gift
Not the most expensive gift but a gift that would mean something to both of you. It could even be an inside joke only two of you would understand. It could be little but if it is given to someone you love the thought would be the most important thing

In Case You Missed It: Skinny Girl In Transit
After watching Season four episode six last night, I realised I had not told you guys about this series. A friend of mine introduced me to Skinny Girl in Transit a few months ago and I became addicted. At first, I was telling her I had no data to be watching series online but she confided in me she watches during downtime at the office. If you know any lady that concentrates so hard on her screen at lunch times and smiles from time to time, I implore you to investigate.
The series is about Tiwa who is trying to lose weight like many of us. She is getting close to thirty at the start of the series with no serious relationship prospect living at home with her parents and her beautiful slim sister. Tiwa is a regular, down-to-earth girl like most of us are which makes her lovable to many of us who watch. She has a job as a radio show talk host. Ngozi Nwosu who plays her mother, in my opinion, is the most valuable player in this show. She is so relatable and plays the stereotypical Yoruba mother to a perfect T. Her beautiful sister is played by newcomer Sharon Ooja.
The cinematography and screenplay are exceptional yet there is nothing of the usual fake accents associated with quality work here in Nigeria. I love it. As the series progresses, hot male characters are introduced playing Tiwa’s love interests. All the guys who have been on the show till date have been swoon-worthy. You will laugh with this lovable family, share some of their struggles and pain. This is a modern day Nigerian story very well told. You can watch Skinny Girl in Transit on Ndani Tv or on YouTube.
Thank me later.
You Have Stretch Marks, So What?
‘’Has a man ever run away by the sight of your naked body?’’
I am actually quoting Julia Roberts from the movie ‘Eat.Pray.Love.’ The answer is truly always No. I am sorry to disappoint you if you were looking forward to reading ways to get rid of stretch marks; I may or may not discuss that.
Social media went ablaze when beautiful American songstress Justine Skye who has been romantically linked to ‘Wizkid’ put up pictures where the stretch marks on her bum and thigh were displayed in full glory. I saw the pictures and I loved them, it did not take away one decibel from her beauty. I loved how real and honest she was about her body. It is very easy to get stuck in this fake, plastic world celebrities, the media and people of extreme means show us. I want a hot body as much as the next woman but today I am telling you it is not real. I can tell you that a very small percentage of women are totally hairless from the neck down with no extra body fat or cellulite to show. Some people spend hours in the gym and still don’t have those defined curves very popular on social media.
This is a call for you to love yourself. No, I am not telling you to be complacent or lazy. I am telling you to love your body whatever journey it is currently on. I say journey because the ideal is to strive to be better versions of ourselves inside and out as we live our days. True beauty and attraction are really from confidence, when you see and appreciate the beauty in yourself others will. This absolutely works for me, I go into a room not sizing up or looking down at the other women, I appreciate the beauty in others and I am certain there is something beautiful in me to also be admired.
You are beautiful, stretch marks or not. Don’t let that stop you from being fun, fearless and confident.
Love and Light.

8 Essential makeup must haves
1. Base
A base is a must when applying makeup. You could opt for foundation for a high coverage or BB crème for subtle coverage. After cleansing and moisturising your face, apply your base with your fingers or brush and blend well.
If you are having any trouble picking your perfect shade of foundation, you should read our article on (choosing the right foundation).
2. Face powder
You need a face powder to set your foundation and also to reduce shine.
3. Mascara
I once read somewhere that a woman should never step out of the house without mascara and lip gloss. I totally agree!
4. Tinted lip balm
Nobody likes dry lips, so you need a lip balm to soften chapped lips. Why not kill two birds with one stone by purchasing a tinted lip balm? This way you are moisturising your lips and also adding a little colour.
5. Basic Eyeshadow
It is a good idea to invest in a perfect everyday eyeshadow. The ideal shade should be a few shades darker than your skin tone.
Use a soft eye shadow brush to sweep the shade onto your eyelids and blend into and above your crease.
6. Good brush set
The right brush can perform miracles so invest in a good brush set. Ensure to clean your brushes as often as possible. (How to Keep Makeup Brushes Clean)
7. Brow filler
The eyebrows (How to draw the perfect eyebrows) frame the face and there is no better way to make them neat other than taming them. The product to get depends on your preference; you could use a pencil, a brow gel or pomade, or a brow powder.
8. Makeup remover
You definitely need this as you need to clean your makeup off before going to bed.