Would you like to learn how to make your very own homemade soap? This all-natural soap is simple and inexpensive.
Black soap
3 tbsp. Shea butter
2 tbsp. Glycerin
3 tbsp. Jojoba oil
2 tbsp. Almond oil
2 tbsp. Castor oil
2 tbsp. Aloe Vera gel
2 tbsp. Camwood (Osun)
Mini Mortar and Pestle
Tbsp. – Tablespoon


Cut theblack soap into pieces
Place into the mortar and pound well until smooth
Add the other ingredients (Shea butter, Glycerin, Jojoba oil, Castor etc.) and very well to mix them together
Pour the mixture into a mould or container
Store the mixture for a few weeks in a cool, place to allow it cure
Your baby soap is ready for use.


The Mini mortar, Black soap and Osun in most local markets the herb sections.
You can use any small bowl as your mould, as long as it is lidded
Allowing your soap to cure (step 5) ensures you get a longer lasting soap bar with very rich lather