Being in a long distance relationship can be frustrating and tiring at times; especially when you are surrounded with people who don’t believe in the concept.
Here a few tips to help you to blossom your relationship and cope with the distance.

Communicate regularly and creatively
Be open and honest with each other and learn to trust your partner
Set ground rules so you won’t be taken by surprise.

You need to be sure of where you stand. Are the two of you exclusive? Is the relationship leading to marriage? Is any of you going to relocate so you can be together etc.?

Ignore negativity from people around you.
Visit each other as often as you can.
Clarify a conflict or problem as soon as it arises.
Send photos and video call whenever you can.
Keep yourself busy with work, family and friends, so you don’t feel lonely
Be patient.
Don’t play power games to see who cares more or less.
View it as a learning journey for both of you.
Talk about mundane things that happened during the day.
Look ahead and make plans with your partner, this way you have something to look forward to.
Do similar things like read the same book or watch the same movie, so you have things to talk about.
Do things together like shopping online.
Add a little romance; send each other surprise gifts from time to time; could be birthdays, anniversaries or valentine’s day.
Know each other’s schedule.
Give each other a personal object you both can hold on to.
Keep each other updated on friends and family.
Stay positive.

You need to keep reminding yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel; someday soon, you will be together again.