At one point or the other in our daily busy lives, we all need a break.
Mothers are no exception; though considered unneccessary by many and often shrugged off with a laugh, taking some time away from the busy world of parenting and home keeping to relax and recharge is a worthy investment.
With a busy work schedule, never ending to do lists, kids that keep you on your toes and sometimes (if not most times) meeting the needs of your husband, fitting in time for yourself can be quite tricky. But as infeasible as this self-indulgence may be, pampering yourself to some down-time is needful if you must stay on top of your game.
I’m sure you’ll agree that there’s nothing much a physically, emotionally drained wife/mother can do. But there’s a lot you can achieve by staying refreshed, happy, alert and healthy – all these you enjoy by having periods of me time.
A working mom? The demands of a full-time job may make it seem undoable but with adequate planning, creativity and time management skills, a me-time is possible.
Me times don’t have to compulsorily be away from home or lengthy. A short period of time (even as little as a mere 5 minute break) taken out for yourself to relax and do something you enjoy will do a lot of good. Consciously creating that time is a right step in the journey of self-preservation. Here are some fun helpful ways.
Going out with friends at least once a month can help you connect while also giving you a balance. Plan a lunch date or some girls’ night out. You’ll be amazed at how much refreshment this experience brings. And if your friend(s) have kids, a playdate can be scheduled so you can have time for some socializing while the kids have their time of fun too.
Treat yourself to some time at the salon. Get a new hairstyle and some predicure/manicure. If you can afford the Spa, throw a good session of spa treatment in as well. Relaxed, reloaded and gorgeous, that’s how such treats make you.
When last did you have a date with your spouse? Sneak in some special times with him and have fun cozy moments together (indoors or out). It’ll undoubtedly keep the spark going for your relationship while also giving you some personal bounce.
Hobbies are great for breaking up the daily grind. They help in taking your mind off stress. Got any? Indulge in it, and if not, find one that brings you joy.
Leave everything behind and take a walk, try out some yoga moves, or hit the gym. Exercises do have a way of clearing your mind, thus keeping you calm and energized.
Me-Time Ideas
Hit the mall

Trust me, shopping gives an indubitable thrill but while you’re at it, be careful not to overshoot your budget.
Can’t go out? Take a bubble bath, read a book, watch a movie or try out a recipe you’ve always wanted to but never got around to doing.