My only resolve this New Year, as I have given up making New Year resolutions 8 years ago was not to work during the weekends. Whether it was bringing work home or spending 3 to 7 hours at the office on Saturday or Sunday, I was not having any of that any more. So when faced with that option that Friday I decided to remain in the office and get the work done. So I called my husband who was also working late, we both agreed to get home at 11 PM and make our children the focus of the weekend. I called the nanny and gave her clear instructions on the course of events for the rest of the day. Secretly, I planned to steal at least an hour alone with my husband before mid-night.
One can imagine my reaction and thoughts when I arrived at home to find all my children in front of the television in different positions, doing different activities (including sleeping.) After our usual theatrical greetings of my return (that of their father is a much larger production) we all set about our bedtime rituals. As they were all in their jamies, they straightened the living room and put away their toys.
When my younger three asked for bed time stories I declined telling them it was one of the consequences of not being in bed at the right time and the other being no television the next day despite it being a Saturday. I then faced my older two, asking for an explanation of the camp by the television at 10 PM. Other than the new movie out on one of the children’s channels on cable, my children’s self discipline was on an all time low because they failed to get to bed an hour earlier when the movie ended. They too were informed that there would be no television all of the next day with additional chores.
Then my soliloquy began. This was becoming a repeated incidence for my older two though I took comfort in the fact they had little ones with them while the nanny was on the phone. I knew my husband and I had to talk it through and bring it to an end. I remembered the days when the only options were NTA Channel 5, NTA Channel 10, LTV 8, ABS and OGTV to name a few. The option of 24 hours of children’s programmes wasn’t available and I remember my mother always being home before sunset. I then projected into the future; we wanted this to be our last year paying rent.
We had to cut off all treats including the cinemas and others the kids enjoyed and I knew my older two really missed those. Notwithstanding, they all had to stick to their routine in this season of our lives. Did I forget to mention, I successfully made peppered snail with green, change my outfit and the atmosphere in my bedroom while this monologue was going on. Also, the only unromantic thing my husband did that night was to disconnect the cable while we both agreed to tackle this issue. I did get my wordless prayer answered with a bit extra. Jesus Igwe.