It is easy to admire beautiful spaces online, in magazines even real life but it takes careful planning to achieve the same feat. There are basics you need to get for a living space; furniture and fittings but what gives a space character is how you choose to decorate.
Here are simple accessories to brighten your home;
1. Mirrors
Besides their utility, mirrors can be used to brighten and give life to a room. Everyone likes mirrors. Well, most people. Putting a mirror with an artistic frame in your living room gives a focal point and draws people in. You can also arrange mirrors of different shapes and sizes along the wall of a passageway or corridor.
2. Plants
Greenery never harmed anyone. You can have a potted plant by the corner of your room, windowsill or a small potted plant like a cactus on the centre table. You can also put fresh flowers as often as possible on a centre table or mantle piece in your living room.
3. CurtainsCurtains are essential. When decorating your windows you have a wide variety to choose from with curtains. You have a variety of textures, fabrics, lengths, colour and design to pick from. You can choose monochrome, chevron prints, chiffon fabrics, three-quarter to full lengths. Your choice is endless. Pick according to the theme you are decorating with.
4. Side Stools
You do not have to go the boring traditional route. Try colourful plastic side stools to brighten your home.
5. Throw Pillows
They would brighten even dark furniture. Bold neon colours would make your room pop.
6. Rugs
Think luxurious Persian rugs or more realistically the faux rugs that may be used as a centrepiece for your rooms.
7. Lights Sounds pretty obvious right? Get artistic with your choice of lighting. Use beautiful chandeliers, bulbs and even artsy lamp holders.
8. Vases If you are not one for potted plants, you can still have beautiful vases placed strategically around your house.
9. Baskets Use raffia and bamboo baskets for storage and decor to create a rustic feel.
10. Paintings Wouldn’t it be nice to have a large painting of a vacation spot somewhere in your home? You can go for any artwork that catches your fancy.
There is so much you can do to brighten your space but remember a house where there is love is a home.

Family TV Series to Binge on This Weekend
I have been looking forward to the weekend since Monday and to be fair this week has been fast. I think it is because of my state of mind; I feel so calm and relaxed. I am putting my worries aside.
Now what to do this weekend?
Sometimes going out to various events or looking for activity is just stressful and let’s face it, expensive. I am going to curl up in bed, eat good food and binge on TV series. I will worry about my weight and other issues next week. I will be curling up alone, but if you are going to be with family, I have some suggestions for TV programs to binge on;
List Of TV Series
Lip Sync Battle
This show is a lot of fun. Basically, they pitch two celebrities against each other to pretend to sing and perform popular hit songs. The American hit show features LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen (John Legend’s wife). There is even the African adaptation hosted by D’banj and Pearl Thusi showing on MTV Africa. You are going to love it! Thank me later.
How I Met Your Mother
Hey, there is no method to these suggestions. This list is in no particular order. How I Met Your Mother is LEGEN-(wait for it)-DARY! It is hilarious plus there are nine seasons so you are fully booked once you start.
Is it just me or is there something about Tracy Ellis Ross’ eyes? Oh well, you decide in between laughing at the funniest comebacks on this show.
Naruto Shippuden
Get your glasses ready or contact lenses if you please and prepare to read the subtitles. There are about one million episodes, and your children would love it. Yes, it is an anime cartoon. I absolutely love it! I believe there are some moral and life lessons to be learnt from it. Don’t take my word for it, watch and let me know.
The Librarians
Go back in time and forward in time and back in time with this TV show. All that travelling and you would not have to leave your house. It is child-friendly too.
War At Home
It has many innuendos. I guarantee that you would definitely laugh and forget your worries. They talk about homosexuality a bit just in case this is something that you would be uncomfortable with, though in a funny way.

When to Introduce Him to Your Kids
Relationships are hard to navigate sometimes. There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to dating, friendships, marriages and even dating with kids. However, certain ground rules apply to a majority of people.
Deciding on whom to date is even more important when you have a child. It is already a tremendous responsibility to yourself dating someone much less of when you have children to protect and look after. Here are some of my ground rules:
Be sure of a commitment
There are certain relationships we know are for a season, to fulfil whatever need or desire of that moment. Do not introduce your children to every man you meet on your journey to find Prince Charming. It gets harder to explain where Uncle Chinedu went and why he won’t be visiting. Only introduce a man when you have had conversations and taken steps towards a future together. Present the man in your life when you have completely accepted him and are in an exclusive, committed relationship.
Have a conversation with the father of your children
Yes, dating with children can be tricky. It is best to involve the father of your kids in their lives as much as possible depending on your personal circumstance. It is a good idea to mention that you are currently in a serious relationship, and your new significant other would be in the lives of your children
Prepare your children
It is okay to mention to your kids that you will be having a friend around. This helps you gauge the mood, and address their questions and emotions. It also helps reassure them that they are still priority and that they are not losing their mom.
Introduce your man in small doses
As much as you would want your man and your children to bond instantly, it does not always happen that way. Invite him first to social gatherings where your kids, friends and family will be present. The key is to invite him first around people your child is already comfortable with. Try not to force awkward moments and extended visits at home when they are not yet comfortable with each other.
Encourage your man to form a personal relationship with your child
Invite him to your child’s milestones such as birthday parties and school events and let him take part in your child’s favourite recreational activities. Try not to encourage competition with the biological father.
Best of luck!

How To Look Younger Without Breaking The Bank
Looking years younger than your age no longer means a visit to the plastic surgeon. Cosmetic surgery may have its place, but there are cheap and effective things you can start doing today that will make you look years younger in a relatively short period.
What To Do To Look Younger
Exercise is one of the most important ways to more youthful looks. Both facial and general exercise help to circulate more nutrients and oxygen to your skin to make you look more radiant. Exercise kick-starts the collagen production process of building younger skin which slows down as you age.
Exercise also improves your posture making you look and feel younger along with making you more confident.
More training also means less grey hairs as it helps to reduce stress and helps you sleep better which means less dark circles and puffy eyes
Protein and Fatty Acid
A diet rich in protein and essential fatty acids, both found in salmon and other oily fish, eggs, nuts and seeds is a skin-friendly diet. If you’re not trying to lose weight, stay away from low-fat diets, they are enemies for skin and can give you a drawn, sagging complexion by starving the skin of essential fats and amino acids (only in protein-based foods). The skin needs to look plump from the inside out.
Facial Massage
One of the most efficient ways to a more radiant, glowing skin tone is facial massage. A good facial massage helps stimulates the skin, along with the complex network of blood vessels, muscles and lymph drainage points underneath the surface to restore skin to vibrancy. Facial massage is best done at night when most of us have a little more time. You can simply use your facial cleanser as a lubricant for the massage. But if you have dry skin, rub it with a few drops of a skin-nourishing oil such as rosehip before applying your night cream.
Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C and A means no acne, scars, wrinkles and softer skin.
Drink at least 2litres of water daily; it keeps the skin hydrated.
Body Oils and Body Butters
These work well to moisturise the skin, fade scars, prevent wrinkles and stretch marks, moisturise the lips, treat puffy eyes, and give elasticity to the skin. You should try either Shea butter, Cocoa butter, Mango butter or Avocado butter.
Body oils such as coconut, avocado, carrot, rosehip, almond, sweet almond, lemon, tea tree, papaya, lime, orange, argan, sea buckthorn oil and olive oil also help to improve the appearance of the skin. Massage a light quantity of any of these oils on your skin. Oils and butters are best used in the evening. Citrus oils (Lemon, Orange and Lime) should be mixed with coconut oil or any body butter.
Get Enough Sleep
Try as much as possible to add sleep to your beauty regimen. It is the tried and tested way to maintain youthful skin for many years to come.

How to Spot Original Gold Jewellery
I was my mother’s first child and a daughter at that so you can imagine how crazy she went getting baby girl things. I mean I think I had it all. She would even save up to get me the most adorable dresses. She did not stop there; she would wear only gold jewellery for her precious baby girl. Fast forward to secondary school boarding house, after losing more than a few precious metals, my mother decided to introduce me to GL, gold plated or plain old fashion jewellery.
The problem was as soon as I wore non-gold pieces of jewellery my ears or wrists for twenty-four hours I would develop a rash and eventually blisters. The fastest way to spot fake gold and original gold jewellery is to put them on me. Hahahaha not kidding.
Since there is not enough of me to go round, I will give you some simple ways to spot original gold jewellery
Spoting Original Gold Jewellery
Look at it
I do not mean to sound like Captain Obvious but really look at it. Real gold should have some markings especially chains that have a hook to show the number of carats. You may see 18k, 24k. Yes, fake gold can have this, but this is the first step
Look at it again
Yes, look again. Check for signs of discolouration. Check for areas of friction, for items like bracelets that may be all over. You may notice a blackish tinge or duller colour in certain areas.
Magnetize It
Gold is a metal. Magnets attract metal, right? Wrong. This theory does not apply to gold. An ordinary fridge magnet may not do the trick
Scratch It
It is a simple test, but it may end up scratching your gold. Basically, you have to drag your gold against an unglazed ceramic plate. A black streak means it is not gold. A gold streak tells you it is gold
Bite It
If all else fails to tell the difference, bite it. I mean what I am saying. When you bite into real gold, your teeth marks should be visible, and there should be an actual indentation.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Scars
Scars mean different things to different people and there is usually always a story behind a scar.
Scars are caused as a result of trauma to the skin, ranging from injuries and accidents to skin conditions. Scars can be burns, accident mark, cuts, acne or scrapes. A scar is a sign that the skin has healed.
The most prominent scar on my skin is a chicken pox scar right on my forehead like a bindi i.e. the Indian red spot on the forehead. It is constantly a conversation starter for me. That is one scar I have grown accustomed to.
The other scar I have is from the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle. It has taken ages, but it is almost unnoticeable now.
The truth is, with scars there are no short cuts. It is either going to take your time or your money. There are many procedures for getting rid of scars from laser treatments to sometimes expensive potions. You may opt for home remedies if you do not want to spend an arm and a leg and want to heal the scars naturally.
Natural remedies include:
Apply lemon to the scar. Lemons contain acids called alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) which help to remove dead skin cells, assist new cell growth, and bring back some elasticity to the skin. As a natural bleach, it can help lighten scars.
Make sure the scar and surrounding area are cleaned thoroughly
Put 1 teaspoon of lemon juice on a cotton ball
Rub the cotton ball on the scarred area
Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off
Lemon juice may make your skin sensitive to light, so consider wearing sunscreen wherever you applied it when going outside.
Rub onto scars twice daily. The antibacterial properties of honey can help heal wounds and promote skin cell growth. With constant use, scars should fade. Using honey is not recommended if you have oily skin.
Aloe Vera Gel
Do you remember when Aloe Vera was the rave of the moment? If you have abandoned it, fear not it is still effective. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce skin irritations and help remove dead skin from wounds.
Aloe vera can be found in many forms including gels, ointments, and lotions
Apply and massage the aloe vera directly on the scar tissue several times a day
Shea Butter
Of course, you have to use miracle Shea butter. I personally use this for my scars.
Coconut Oil
Apply coconut oil to scars at least twice a day. Within a week you should start to see scars and stretch marks starting to fade. It is effective in treating scars from burns and skin discolouration.
Egg Whites
The proteins in egg whites can help your skin rejuvenate. Try putting the whites on your affected areas three times a day and hopefully watch your scars begin to fade away. Remember being told to put egg whites on your skin after scalding with hot water? This is exactly why.

Makeup On The Go: Quick Makeup Tips For The Working Woman
There are days things just don’t go as planned; you barely have time to put breakfast on the table or pack lunch, so you cannot afford to waste time on your makeup or you will be late. This makeup tutorial is for such days and this routine could be done in less than 10 minutes depending on how fast you are. I will break it into five quick steps and suggest products to use along the line.
Quick Makeup Tips
Apply Foundation
The first thing you should do is even your complexion and this is where the foundation comes in. You could apply this with a sponge or brush and please ensure you blend your foundation well. There are a lot of foundations available but you can try Maybelline matte mouse foundation or Revlon colorstay foundation, just be sure to pick the right shade of foundation for you.
Fill Your Brows
Pencil in your brows mimicking the natural direction of your hair and use your spoolie (mascara wand) to blend it out, don’t bother with highlighting; there’s no time today. Any medium brown pencil will be okay to fill your brows.
Apply Eye Shadow, Line Your Lids And Lube Your Lashes
Use a nude or bronze shadow on your lids, you could just apply this with the ultimate applicator; your fingers. Your fingers will blend the eye shadow even faster than a brush. Try the LA Girl nude collection eye shadow, you will be sure to find a shade that works for you. Line your upper and lower lids and use a touch of mascara on your upper lash, you don’t need to lube your lower lashes since you are rushing. The Maybelline Collosal Kajal and Mascara are suitable for this.
Swipe A Lip Shade
You could use a bright lipstick, or lip gloss since your eye is subtle or you could also opt for a subtle lip shade.
Apply Powder
You will need this to reduce shine, so go on apply the powder, take a look in the mirror and off you go.
I’m sure a lot of us already have some of these products in our makeup bag, so just bring them out and use them quick.

Fun Games That Help Develop Your Child’S Brain
Milestones are worth celebrating. The sheer joy that filled my heart as my little one started walking. Watching your infant grow is an unexplainable delightful experience; I must say. It’s the same way for all mothers, right?
Growth rate does vary because every child develops at his or her pace. However, it’s worthy to note that you can jumpstart your toddler’s developmental progress. Thinking how? Do you know that a toddler’s brain has twice as many neural connections as an adult’s?
Although the first 3-5 years of your child’s life are the most important, your child’s brain developmental process spans throughout childhood as the creation of new neurons and brain-cell connections are established well before the age of 20. As your child grows, the environment, new experiences and fun activities help greatly to stimulate his/her cognitive development and that’s where you come in.
It starts with a simple exchange of language. Your one-on-one interaction with your toddler in simple daily activities like talking, singing, reading means so much. Further engaging in interactive games together will not only boost a healthy mother-child bond but significantly ignite healthy brain connections. As your child uses her brain, new cells are developed, and new connections are established between existing cells. Games are fun ways to learn, and some have been ranked quite high on the list of brain-training activities due to their ability to boost your child’s brain capacity while she has fun. Let’s have a look at some of these games.
Mazes are an instant hit with kids. The good thing is, there are several maze books out there for various age-groups. Get them and encourage your child to figure the way out. This is one great way of improving your child’s problem-solving skills.
When buying toys, choose toys like Jack-In-the-Box and other toys that can help your child explore while also promoting interaction.
Building patterns and structures with blocks is another brain-enriching activity for your little one. Make simple structures with blocks and encourage her to do same. Gradually ask her to make her pattern and you’ll be amazed at how skilful your child becomes with practice. Figuring out sizes and colour matches and what to make out of them is a way of promoting creative thinking.
Stacking blocks or multi-coloured rings helps your child understand cause-and-effect relationships as she learns the effect stacking larger blocks on smaller ones. Encourage her to keep trying as the blocks crumble.
Role-playing, jigsaw puzzles, painting, drawing and colouring are some other indoor games that will activate your little one’s creativity while outdoor activities like “Hide and Seek” and sand castle building will help develop her motor skills.
Try out these mind-boosters regularly. Mix them up and try something new often. The aim is to enrich your child’s mind with new experiences to keep her neurons growing.

Side Hustle 101: Makeup Artistry
I became more interested in makeup when I was involved in planning my best friend’s wedding. We were trying to book a makeup artist for two days. The quotes we were getting were astronomical, at least for our budget. We ended up getting a renowned artist for a sweet deal of N200,000 that is N100,000 per day. I mean that is a comfortable monthly salary for many people.
There are a lot of complaints now about the economy. It has become harder for people to find jobs, even those with jobs are experiencing cutbacks on salary while the cost of living keeps rising. A second, third even fourth source of income is always nice to have.
Makeup artistry is a really viable option right now. Even with all the economy wahala, we Nigerians still love to party and party looking our best. It is very common for women to book makeup artists to attend events even when they are not the centre of attention. The market is available, and the demand is high.
How To Become A Makeup Artist In Nigeria
Learn your craft
It is very easy to say there are a lot of makeup artists out there, but the big names keep getting most of the jobs because people want quality and are ready to pay for it. If you have an interest in makeup, brush up your skills with classes or even YouTube tutorials. Practice as often as you can on yourself and your friends
Invest in your craft
If you are serious about making money from makeup, you got to have the right tools. Buy! Buy! Buy! You are going to have to buy beauty products for every skin shade and variety.
Create a Brand
Branding is crucial, create a brand name and logo that is instantly recognisable. This makes you look more professional. You should use this logo to watermark all your pictures on social media so that when your photos are shared, people recognise your work.
Be Social
You need to build an audience. No matter how good you are if you do not attract people, you have no way to gain customers hence no way to make money. Join all the social media networks, follow people in similar businesses that can refer customers your way. Network with event planners, photographers, models and others in the creative industry to build relationships, share business ideas and customer base. Regularly upload photos and videos of your work.
Granted the best form of advertisement is word of mouth but to keep the business flowing and customers coming in droves, do not be afraid to promote your goods and services. Use social media to your advantage by advertising on popular platforms. Spend money to make money. If possible form a partnership with a celebrity or well-known person to use as a muse. This technique is currently trending with great results.
Keep Improving
You are only as good as your last job. Keep striving to be better.
Good luck!

Hair Maintenance Tips For Long Hair
Who does not want healthy hair? ‘Who no like good thing?’ We all want healthy, long hair and at times we envy people with long hair and just wish it were ours. Well, today I bring good news; I come with glad tidings on getting that luxurious hair you have always dreamed of. Here are tips to getting long healthy hair:
Long Hair Maintenance Tips
Get Regular Trims
Regularly trim split ends; split ends cause breakage and if not trimmed, will travel upward weakening your hair. You should trim your hair every 6-8 weeks, making sure you do not trim off too much hair.
Minimize Shampoo Sessions
I know we like a clean scalp but try to reduce your hair’s exposure to shampoo. When you wash your hair, use sulfate-free shampoos as sulfate strips your hair of vital oils that make your hair grow healthy and strong.
Wash With Cool Water
I know a lot of us like to wash our hair with hot water at the salon probably but hot water strips the hair of natural oils, leaving our hair dry and flaky, which could lead to hair loss. Washing with cool water will help to close the hair cuticle and lock in moisture.
Turn Down The Heat
I know we all love to use a blow dryer, curling iron or straightener, but frequent heat styling could cause irreparable damage. If you have to heat style, try using a lower heat setting and also ensure you use a heat protectant.
Eat Well
Hair loss and breakage can occur as a result of poor diet. Eat protein-rich foods like fish, beef, eggs, legumes etc. to promote hair growth.
Massage Your Scalp Regularly
Hair massage not only feels good, but it also stimulates hair follicles and boosts circulation which can promote new hair growth. Adding natural oil such as argan or chamomile can help moisturise the scalp and nourish your hair.
Apply hair cream to your hair daily to keep it hydrated.
Whatever you do, don’t give up! Follow these tips and have faith that you are on your way to having long, healthy looking hair.