Dinning Etiquettes You Need To Know

Table manners are very important in both professional and social situations, so it’s a good idea to know some basics.
If you have never been taught dining etiquette or you’ve forgotten what you learned, here are some tips to show that you know how to behave at the table. Displaying proper etiquette at the table will also help you socially and professionally or in someone’s home.
The 10 Do’s!

Once seated, unfold your napkin and use it for wiping your lips or fingers. At the end of dinner, leave the napkin tidily on the place setting.
It is the right dinner table etiquette to serve the lady sitting to the right of the host first, then the other ladies in a clockwise direction, and lastly the gentlemen.
Hold your knife and fork with the handles in the palm of the hand, your forefinger on top, and thumb underneath.
While eating, you may if you wish rest the knife and fork on either side of the plate whenever your mouth is full. When you have finished eating, place them side by side in the center of the plate.
If you don’t like the food presented to you, it is polite to at least make some attempt to eat a small amount of it. Or just cut it up a little, and move it around the plate!
It is good to leave some food to one side of your plate if you feel as though you have eaten enough. On the other hand, do not leave your plate so clean that it looks as if you haven’t eaten in days!
You can eat your dessert with both a spoon and fork, or alternatively a fork alone if it is a cake or pastry style sweet.
When a lady wishes to be excused for the bathroom, it is polite for the gentlemen to stand up as she leaves the table, sit down again, and then stand once more when she returns.
Do not forget to thank the host and hostess for their hospitality before leaving.
It is good dinner table etiquette to send a personal thank you note to the host and hostess shortly afterwards.

The 10 Don’ts!

Never start eating up your food before a signal from the host to do so.
Forks should not be turned over unless being used for eating peas, sweetcorn kernels, rice or other similar foods. In which case, it should be transferred to the right hand. However, at a casual buffet or barbecue, it is quite acceptable to eat with just a fork.
Using one’s bread for dipping into soups or mopping up sauces is generally not regarded as a good dinner etiquette.
Loud eating noises such as slurping and burping are very impolite. This is the number one sin of dinner table etiquette.
Talking with one’s mouth full is unpleasant to watch, and could also lead to choking!
Do not stretch across the table crossing other guests to reach food, wine or condiments. Simply ask a guest sitting close to pass the item you need to you.
Good dinner table etiquette sometimes involves a degree of diplomacy when it comes to the host’s choice of food and wine! Even when you feel that you can do better, never offer your criticism. If you can’t pay any compliments, at least remain silent on the subject.
Picking teeth (unless toothpicks are provided) and licking fingers are very unattractive. The only exception to the latter is when eating meat or poultry on the bone (such as chicken legs or ribs). In which case, a finger bowl should be provided.
Drinking too much wine can be very embarrassing! Where a different wine is served with each course, it is quite acceptable to not finish each glass.
Make polite conversations with those guests around you. Dinner parties are not just about the food, they are intended to be a sociable occasion. 

Simple Good Manners
Apart from the dinning etiquettes listed above, there simple good manners you should exhibit. These are:

Always respond to an invitation within a week of receiving it.
Dress according to the (if any) dress code. Do not try to “out dress” the hostess!
Be punctual – never more than 10 minutes late.
If you wish to bring a guest as your partner, make sure you check with the host first.
If you are the host of the party and a guest of yours arrives with an unexpected friend, be polite & courteous with them, and speak with your inconsiderate guest at another time.
It is considered polite to take along a cute small gift for your host and hostess. Flowers, chocolates or champagne are always appreciated.


Exfoliation: How-to, Do’s and Don’ts

Exfoliation is a common cosmetic practice which removes dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin. It helps reduce acne and gives smooth, healthier looking skin. Many of us don’t know how to exfoliate properly, and this could be the reason we have severe breakouts. Here are a few tips to exfoliate your skin without damage.
How to Exfoliate Properly1.    Apply exfoliator to wet skinThe first thing you need to do before using your exfoliator  is to get your skin wet. You would probably find it easier to exfoliate just before you take a bath 2.    Apply in a circular motionMassage the exfoliator on your face and body in a circular motion; you could use a loofah or exfoliating glove if you have tough skin3.    WashRinse off the exfoliator with warm water, and a blast of cold water to close up the pores. Pat your face and body dry with a towel4.    Apply lotion
After your exfoliating treatment, apply lotion to your skin to seal in the moisture and keep your skin hydrated, soft and healthy.Do’s1.    Buy the right product for your skin typeThere are different products for different skin types. If you have sensitive skin, buy gentle cleansers that are gentle on the skin but still unclog the pores2.    Exfoliate only at nightThe perfect time to exfoliate is at night, as the skin renews itself overnight. Use a good sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage during the day3.    Follow the instructions written on the exfoliator
If the instructions say you should wash off after an amount of time, do just that.Don’ts1.    Don’t over exfoliateDon’t exfoliate more than two times a week. Over exfoliation can strip the face of essential moisture, could break down the skin’s natural defence mechanisms and cause redness, rashes etc.2.    Don’t exfoliate broken or irritated skinExfoliating broken skin may worsen the skin condition, so if you notice any irritation; skip the exfoliation until your skin is back to normal3.    Don’t leave the exfoliator on your face for too longIf you leave the exfoliator on your skin for too long, you will end up having dry, itchy skin; so it’s best to follow the instructions of each exfoliator carefully.

How To Get Thicker And Longer Eyelashes Naturally

If you are not happy with your thin,  short and scanty eyelashes, you are not alone.
Many women want thicker eyelashes. They make the eyes look even more beautiful and attractive.
Factors like genetics, age, certain medical conditions, a nutritional deficiency, an eye infection or hormonal changes in the body often contribute to thin eyelashes.

The act of rubbing your eyes roughly and not removing your eye makeup at the end of the day can also cause the delicate hairs of your lashes to fall out.
Home remedies for longer eyelashes
Castor oil
Castor oil contains powerful follicle-stimulating and nourishing properties that can help you enjoy lustrous and voluminous lashes.
This oil also helps fight micro-organisms that hamper growth.
Use a clean brush or a cotton swab to apply castor oil on your lashes before going to bed.
You can also add a few drops of vitamin E oil to the castor oil before applying it if you wish.
Leave it on overnight, then rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
You can also mix together 2 tablespoons each of castor oil and fresh aloe vera gel.
Apply it on your eyelashes using a cotton swab. Leave it on overnight, then rinse it off the next morning.
Lemon peels
Lemon peels can be used to add volume to your eyelashes.
The peels are rich in vitamins C and B, folic acid and other nutrients that promote the growth of eyelashes.
Also, when infused in olive or castor oil, lemon peels will help enhance the cleansing and stimulating properties of the oil.
Put 1 tablespoon of moderately dried lemon peels in a container.
Pour enough olive or castor oil into the container, so that the peels get soaked.
Allow it to sit for a couple of weeks.
Using an old mascara stick, apply the oil on your eyelashes before going to bed.
Leave it on overnight, then wash it off with warm water in the morning.
Follow this remedy for a few months to get encouraging results.
Vaseline has been proven to add length and volume to the eyelashes within a few weeks.
Using a mascara wand,  apply Vaseline on your eyelashes at night. You will see results in a few weeks.

How To Stay Motivated And Accomplish Anything

As I write this, I remember NYSC camp: “Are you motivated? Motivated Motivated Motivated Moral? High’’, please ignore me and remain motivated.The key to achieving any form of success is motivation, but at times due to past failures or disappointments we tend to lose motivation and want to give up. Here are a few tips to help us remain motivated and achieve our goals.
1. Determine your motivating forceYour motivating force is the reason behind your decision to achieve your goals; the reason you want to succeed.  It could be a monetary reward, personal gain, or it could be that it will take you a step closer to your greater goal. Whatever it is, keeping your mind on it will keep you motivated.
2. Remind yourself of your goals and keep track of your progressOne tip to staying motivated is taking the time to look at the big picture; realizing where you are and how much you have left to do. You need to see where you are in relation to your goals if you want to stay motivated
3. Reward yourself for accomplished goalsReward yourself every time you accomplish a goal. This will give you something to look forward to, thereby encouraging you to accomplish your goals. Your reward could be a well-deserved break, splurging on an item or even taking yourself on vacation.
4. Read and listen to motivational books and speechesReading inspiring books of what people had to overcome to reach their goals will keep your spirits up and help you stay motivated.
5  Stay positiveMotivation goes hand in hand with positivity; so even when things are looking down, keep your head up and push forward.

How To Stay Organized

Being organised seems to come naturally to some, but to others, it doesn’t seem possible, but it is possible to be organised. All you have to do to stay organised is to follow these few steps.1.Stay on tracka)Put everything away as soon as you canThe easiest way to stay organised is to put things away as soon as you can. You will have to make a conscious effort to do this as it will make a huge difference in your life.b)Make a to-do list for the dayHaving a to-do list will help you set priorities for your dayc)Have a planner and keep it up to dated)Learn to use drawers, boxes and other storage systemsEnsure you know what goes into each drawer, so when you need something you know where to looke)Devote time each day for organisationTake time out each day to organise (about 10 – 15 minutes a day is fine)f)Keep a notepad close by
2.Keep your life simplea)Buy only essential itemsDon’t buy anything you don’t need as this will just clutter your householdb)Dispose of anything you don’t needMake a monthly habit disposing of anything you don’t use or need in your housec)Learn to say NOOne other way to stay organised is to learn to say no. Don’t feel guilty about saying no, just apologise and try to come up with a compromise if you want to.d)Treat time like moneyThink of time as a commodity. How much time do you have? How much time do you spend on unnecessary things?e)Plan meals in advanceHave a weekly mealtime table, this will keep you organised and help you avoid thinking about what to eatf)Run your errands sensibly
3.Follow througha)Hold yourself accountable to friends and familyLet your family and friends know your plan to stay organised so they can help you out when possibleb)Set deadlinesGive yourself deadlines to finish tasksc)Avoid perfectiond)Delegate when you cane)Reward yourself when you accomplish tasksThis is important, as you will have something to look forward to when you complete your task.

Skincare For Dark Skin

Dark skin faces a few challenges with skincare that people with other skin shades might not face. Some of the common skin care problems of black skin include acne, pigmentation, and keloids. You don’t need to break the bank to have a healthy, glowing dark skin; here are a few tips to help you get the beautiful dark skin you desire.
Basic Skincare for Dark skin
1.CleanseNever go to sleep with makeup left on the skin, ensure you clean it off before you go to bed. Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser or you can use your regular soap.
2.Use sunscreenUse a well – formulated sunscreen during the day. Though dark skin won’t burn as quickly as fair skin tones in the sun, but still use at least an SPF 15 sunscreen daily.
3.MoisturizeMassage your face with nourishing oils such as coconut oil and olive oil before going to bed. Black skin is a bit dry, so allowing oils to soak into the skin overnight will make the skin glow in the morning.
4.Use a natural face maskApply a homemade face mask to the skin once or twice a week. Ingredients to try for your face mask could be banana and egg white. Coat your face and neck with the mask; leave on for 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Moisturize afterwards.Skin care secrets of Dark skin
The secret to a natural, glowing dark skin may just be natural products. Some products to try include:1.Shea butter2.Cocoa butter3.Coconut oil4 Black soap5.Petroleum jelly
Above all, eating a healthy diet will lead to a clear, even and glowing skin. 

Wardrobe Essentials: 7 Pieces Every Woman Should Have

There are a few essentials to have in your wardrobe to complete your fashion collection. With these essentials, you shouldn’t have a need to worry about what to wear anytime.

1. Little black dress
 I know you have heard of the LBD; this is a wardrobe staple you cannot do without. You could dress it up for a cocktail or a date, or you could pair it with blazers to the workplace
2. A pair of Pumps
Heels are a must-have for every woman. It adds a touch of class to your outfit either to the office or a date or a night out.
3 .Ballet flats
Everyone loves a good pair of ballet flats. They are super chic and comfortable. You can use it to dress up your jeans or pair with a dress; your feet will thank you.
4. A Blazer
You can’t go wrong with a blazer. Need something to add to your look to the office? Try a blazer.
5. Jeans
What will you do without a pair of jeans? You could dress them up with a beautiful blouse and heels for an outing or just wear with a casual tee or tank for a casual look
6. A nice leather handbag
A woman shouldn’t be caught out without her handbag. Where would you keep all those little essential things you have to carry about?
7. A lovely Tee
This is a trusted staple you can wear with almost anything. You can rock it with denim or a skirt, or you can wear it over a tank top or under a sweater.

7 Beauty Hacks To Try

1.Do you want your makeup to last all day?
Then use of Milk of Magnesia as a primer. Apply on your face after your moisturizer, wait a few minutes to dry, blend out and then apply your foundation. Your makeup will sure last all day.
2. Makeup remover
Do you have that beautiful matte lipstick or smudge-proof liner that you can’t seem to get off your face when you clean up your makeup? Well, here’s a tried and trusted solution; massage olive oil or coconut oil onto your lip or lid and watch the makeup come off.

3.Exfoliate your lips
Exfoliate at home with a toothbrush and Vaseline. Apply Vaseline on your lips and scrub with a toothbrush

4.Line and curl at the same time
Kill two birds with one stone with this quick tip. Draw eyeliner on the edge of your eyelash curler and curl your lashes, when you are done curling your lash your eyelid will be lined as well

5.Add Volume to your lashes
For long, fuller lashes; apply a coat of mascara, coat your lashes with baby powder and apply a second coat of mascara. You will notice longer, fuller lashes.
6.Make your perfume last all day
Spritz your perfume on your hot spots; your hair, behind your ears, down your back, inside your elbows, behind your knees and your belly button. An extra tip just for you, be sure to moisturize your body before spraying your perfume as this will help the scent last even longer.
7.No cuticle oil? No problem
Are you doing a DIY manicure and you don’t have oil for your cuticles? Rub Shea butter or coconut oil onto your cuticles; it works as well


Home Essentials: Kitchen Must-Haves

These kitchen must-haves are the essential tools you will use on a regular basis in the kitchen. If you don’t have one or more of these already, I suggest you get it, and I can guarantee you would be glad you did. Enjoy.1.Cooker You will need to get a cooker that suits you and your needs best. It could be a gas cooker or a cooker powered by electricity but whatever you get to ensure it has at least two burners so you can cook two or more things at a time.2.Set of pots
There’s no way you can escape investing in pots, what would you cook  You will need a set (or more) of different sizes of pots ranging from small to large. This will enable you to cook small quantity and also cook large quantity when you have guests
3.Set of knives
 A set of sharp knives is very useful in the kitchen. You will need knives to slice onions, cut vegetables, cut meat, fish, etc.
4.Chopping boardYou need a chopping board as well as it will protect your kitchen counter from marks and also protect your hands from knife injuries
5.Hand towel
 Hand towels are very handy and useful in the kitchen. You just cannot do without them; you would use them to dry your hands after washing, to lift hot pots of the cooker, etc. You should hang them within easy reach in your kitchen.
6.Bowls I cannot count the number of bowls I have in my kitchen. You need several bowls in different sizes; you will need scoop bowls, wash bowls and bowls with cover to store items in the refrigerator.
7.Grater Image via amazon.comA good grater should have different hole sizes for grating different things.
8.Sieves You need different size of sieves for different purposes; you will need a fine sieve for dry goods, you will need sieves for washing chopped vegetables, you will also need sieves for draining water from cooked foods
9.ClockHaving a kitchen clock helps you keep track of time when you are in the kitchen. It is especially useful in the mornings when you need to prepare for work and still make breakfast and lunch.
10.Can openerA can opener is very useful for opening tins in the kitchen.

Life Hacks: Moving To a New City

There is nothing more exciting and daunting as moving to a new city especially as an adult. When you are a child almost everything is an exciting adventure. Moving to a new city sometimes means leaving friends and family behind. Relocating means a new beginning. There are some things you should definitely consider:

Be Open Minded

The people you are about to meet are totally different from those you have known in the past. They may bear some similarities or vast differences but always have an open mind. Watch and try to understand the rationale before reacting.

Do not keep to yourself

You may be naturally shy or reserved but been a newcomer is not the best time to have those attributes. Be warm and friendly. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation or ask questions. This will help you avoid newcomer mistakes

Do not stick to what you know

I know it is just simpler to stick with what you know but been in a new environment is a great opportunity to learn and experience other cultures

Invest in being a tourist

Whether you are in a new town for work, study or play, you must see the sights. Learn about the history and visit tourist attractions. At least you would be able to tell your friends back home about it and even give them a tour whenever they come to visit

Be careful with money

It is very easy to be carried away with the newness of everything and spend frivolously. I advise you to spend only on items you really need especially at the beginning till you find your footing.

Be Security Conscious

There is the good and the bad in every city. Just as some people may be kind and eager to help, some others see a newcomer as easy prey. Be vigilant. Do not go around with large sums of money. Don’t go home with strangers. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol in unfamiliar environments. There is so much to say with regards to security but I will sum it up by saying “act like your parents are with you”.
Keep your head up and stay positive.