Trending Hairstyles For The Holiday

While finding the perfect outfit to wear during this holiday is incredibly important, finding the ideal Christmas hairstyle is just as essential.
A lot of times you may look to magazines, friends, Instagram and YouTube videos to find the perfect holiday hairstyle and while there is an amazing inspiration through these sources, we’re constantly looking at runway shows for hairstyle inspiration.
Of course, many looks on the runway may seem a little out there, but luckily, there are many designers who opt for simple, cute hairstyles that can be worn outside the runways—especially to holiday outings.
From braids to fringe to pixie cuts, these runway looks show exactly how to style your hair for the holidays no matter where you’re going—from the beach to a family dinner.
The hairstyle for this season is Pixie cut.
These short hairstyles will flatter anyone and show off your best features!
Try a pixie haircut today!

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How to Restore Old Weaves

I know how many times I have thought of vamping my old weave but out of laziness just drop it off at a salon or buy a new one. Well, times are changing especially now when saving money is very important.
If you live in the tropics like we do, it is inevitable that your weave no matter how expensive would not need some sprucing after a while. You know when it is new it is soft and silky, you can run your fingers through it easily. As it gets older, it becomes harder to comb. It becomes fuzzier than it used to and the ends become tangled. This happens because of sweat and humidity acting on it.

First thing;
1. Detangle
You do not just put it in water immediately. It would make the weave more difficult to comb and cause a lot of shedding. So comb first from bottom up
2. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may need help with the combing. Something to soften the hair, try a conditioner. You would be able to comb easier
3. Get rid of the build up
Of depending on how long you have had your weave in, you would have applied all sorts of hair products to it. make the weave greasy and less bouncy.
You have two secret weapons; Use bleach or a gentler method with apple cider vinegar
For the bleach; use one part of bleach with two parts of hot water. Immerse the hair in the solution for two minutes and comb out
For the apple cider vinegar; soak hair for about 20 minutes in a solution of apple cider vinegar and water
4. Shampoo
Wash out with shampoo and condition. Remember this is not laundry, so no excessive scrubbing
5. Rinse out and air dry
That’s the final stage. Avoid direct so you don’t mess up your good work
Viola !

DIY: Homemade Baby Soap

Would you like to learn how to make your very own homemade soap? This all-natural soap is simple and inexpensive.
Black soap
3 tbsp. Shea butter
2 tbsp. Glycerin
3 tbsp. Jojoba oil
2 tbsp. Almond oil
2 tbsp. Castor oil
2 tbsp. Aloe Vera gel
2 tbsp. Camwood (Osun)
Mini Mortar and Pestle
Tbsp. – Tablespoon


Cut theblack soap into pieces
Place into the mortar and pound well until smooth
Add the other ingredients (Shea butter, Glycerin, Jojoba oil, Castor etc.) and very well to mix them together
Pour the mixture into a mould or container
Store the mixture for a few weeks in a cool, place to allow it cure
Your baby soap is ready for use.


The Mini mortar, Black soap and Osun in most local markets the herb sections.
You can use any small bowl as your mould, as long as it is lidded
Allowing your soap to cure (step 5) ensures you get a longer lasting soap bar with very rich lather

Using Beer For Long Healthy Hair

For centuries, the popular drink, beer has been used to make bread, batters, and cakes – and often to cool off at the end of a long day at work.
However, the dominant proteins, yeast and B vitamins content in this age-old drink can also soften and volumize your hair.
Whether you add it to your hair mask or a quick rinse, beer is an all-natural treatment for your hair.
One of the many advantages of beer is its ability to induce hair growth.
If you are looking towards triggering hair growth, there is nothing better than adhering to this option, beer for hair growth.
Beer for the hair is safe, simple to use as well as free from all kinds of side effects.
Along with vitamin B, the protein content in malt and hops (which are active ingredients of beer) have been proven to repair damaged hair.
The sucrose and maltose sugars present in beer will help tighten and strengthen hair cuticles for an enhanced shine.
Beer is useful for controlling dry scalp along with improving the lustre and quality of hair.
Beer contains a natural ingredient known as silica. Silica is known to add volume to the hair and make it thicker. So beer is an excellent choice when it comes to natural ways of adding volume to the hair as well as enhancing hair growth.
How To Use Beer For Your Hair
You can use beer as a hair rinse or use it as an ingredient in your hair mask.
Beer Hair Rinse
1 oz. distilled water
1 oz. beer
2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
7 drops lemon essential oil (or your favourite scent)
Directions: Shampoo and rinse hair as usual. Pour the beer mixture on your hair and work it through. Rinse off with lukewarm. Do not use hot water. Do this once a month for fine strands.
Hair Mask:
Mask with beer and eggs (for oily and normal hair only)
Directions: Add one egg yolk to 100 ml beer and mix it. Rub mixture into scalp and distribute the rest of it by hair length.
Wear a shower cap and keep a mix of eggs and beer on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water. Your hair will be shinier and will grow faster.
Mask for dry hair
Add in a glass of warm, flat beer, a teaspoon of olive oil; mix it and apply it to your hair. Keep mixture for 20 min and rinse it out with water. You can use shampoo if you feel it is necessary.

What They Don’t Tell You about Eyelash Extensions

In the spirit of beauty and all the things I was learning from social media, I decided to get eyelash extensions. I am not talking about the ones you get stuck on when trying to slay with your Aso Ebi at that society wedding. I am talking Silk Lash Extensions, natural looking (Kardashian-esque), individually attached which last at least three weeks before you need refills.
Honestly, they are beautiful. I still have the eyelashes on as I type this and I get at least one compliment a day.
Here is what I wish someone had told me before I got them;
Do a Patch Test
This is the most important thing. You should try out the lashes before you get the full installation. I was thinking Nothing dey kill black man and it turned out the glue was too strong for me, and I had bloodshot eyes for two days. Some people have allergic reactions to the lashes or the glue. If you do a patch test the technician can try a different brand that would be less intrusive
Talk to your Stylist
If you go to a he/she would be able to pick the best style of lashes to suit your features. it is best to state your preference so you don’t end up with lashes too full or too long to be taken seriously at work
It takes about three hours to get silk lash extensions fitted in
The lashes are attached to each single to give a natural look. You cannot count your but it turns out your technician can and will

You get addicted
I used to think, ‘Who has time to be doing this all the time?’ Err It turns out I do. After seeing yourself as a diva for weeks, It is hard to go back.
Let me know If you get them.

Lifestyle: 8 Fun Things To Do During Your Leisure Time

You don’t have to sleep every time you are less busy. You need to be physically active if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.
Getting a good sleep in the night and a 30-minute nap during the day is enough sleep for you.
When you are not busy, find something to do to keep you active.
There is a list of fun things you can do instead of sleep or lying down doing nothing.
Here are 8 fun things to do during your leisure time.
Read novels, magazines, read stories and articles online.
Look for an endless supply of stuff to read on the Internet, pick up books at bookstores, or take advantage of your free library card and gain access to everything from the old classics to the latest best-sellers.
Asides its benefits to the cardiovascular health, walking is an excellent way to clear your head, let off some steam, and just enjoy the outdoors.
You can walk the trail at your local park or just walk your neighbourhood after your dinner. The benefits are the same, and it’s free.
Play Cards
Playing cards is a fun and easy way to relax and unwind, and it is also a great option when your Internet connection mysteriously goes down, and you decide to reinvent family time.
Play puzzles. Puzzles are cheap and easy to find.
And depending upon your level of patience, puzzles can be a wonderful way to spend a quiet evening at home. You can go for the jigsaw, crossword puzzles or Sudoku.
They help improve concentration, memory, and critical thinking.
Learn dancing
Asides being a fantastic form of exercise, dancing is intensely expressive, allowing you release your tension while working up a sweat.
Learn dance styles, such as Salsa, Latin, or Hip Hop on YouTube or just turn on your radio and go freestyle.
Visit homes
Visiting shelters, orphanages, nursing homes will be a new experience. Your stay will mean a lot to them, and the interactions can be fun and productive for you.
Browse the internet
You can learn a lot on the web. Visit blogs, forums, websites, read news, watch videos online.
Visit Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms to connect with your friends and have fun.
Watch movies
You can either go to the cinema to see a film or watch by yourself at home.
Watch a comedy and laugh the stress off.

How to prevent Oily skin

Oily skin can clog pores and lead to acne problems, but don’t worry; here are a few easy ways to prevent oily skin
1. Wash your Face
Wash your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser. Using a basic face cleanser is the best way to avoid oily skin.
When washing your face, use lukewarm water as hot water may dry out or irritate your face. You should also stay away from harsh soaps or cleansers.

Also, ensure you wash your makeup off completely before going to bed at night as makeup will clog your pores if not completely removed.
2. Use oil-free and Moisturisers and Sunscreen
Oily skin still needs to be moisturised, and it also has to be protected from Ultraviolet radiation, but avoid using oil-based products. Before you buy any facial or skin care products, check the ingredients and ensure they are not oil-based.
3. Eat Healthy
Foods rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids will help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Reduce (Avoid, if possible) the intake of sugar and fried foods as they cause oily skin.
Foods rich in anti-oxidants include beans, apples, whole grains and peppers while Omega-3 fatty acids foods include salmon and tuna, you might also consider taking fish oil supplements.
Ensure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
4. Drink plenty of Water
Water is life; you should drink at least 8 glasses of Water daily. Hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin.
5. Exercise
Physical activity provides a range of benefits including preventing oil. Regular exercise will help keep your skin healthy and smooth.
Ensure you take a shower after your exercise to wash away the sweat and bacteria.
6.Sleep well
Lack of sleep interrupts your body’s ability to maintain healthy skin. You need 7-9 hours’ sleep every night.

Going Back to School

Sometimes you get ideas or questions in your mind. Are you doing the best you can? Are you taking full use of opportunities around you? Is there more you can do to achieve your goals, earn more or simply live a better life?
I had this picture of myself as a high-flying career woman, and I thought to myself that I should get more qualified.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as great as the decision was, It has been a challenging process. I will now offer little nuggets for those who feel they are too old or too busy to go back to school.
The first step I say;

Taking the plunge

Admit all your fears about going back to school. The worry you may not fit in, the fact that employers may not your degree seriously, The fear of reading after so many or so few years, the fear of failing, the fear that you may not learn anything valuable. Analyse your fears. Weigh them. Distinguish which is fact or fiction. Make your decision and get fired up

Think about the Money

If you are filthy rich, skip this point. Most people would worry about the money especially if you have your eyes set on degree with this current exchange rate. Let me not get started. If this dream is to you, you must make financial arrangements towards your tuition, living expenses and travel if that . Start a savings plan towards your education. I highly suggest that you keep your eyes open for scholarship opportunities and grants. I know of some running in the country, NDDC, Chevening and some even ‘women focused’ given by . Do your research.


Balance is easy to spell but hard to do. I am proud of you women that make it seem so easy. You still have to balance work (if you are working or schooling part time), relationships, family, Spiritual time, everything

Time Management

This becomes even more essential when you take on a degree. You never realise how much time is taken up by mundane things. As dreary as this sounds, I advise creating an itinerary for each week, each day even, a To Do list if you must. This makes you more efficient and helps you see clearly what needs to be done and get a sense of accomplishment when you have crossed it off

Support System

Yes, it is good to be but I can’t tell you how much I have benefitted from just having someone to talk to at the end of the day to discuss my triumphs and challenges. Build a network of positive, supportive people around you. Plus you can call on them to delegate some of the work on your To- Do list. I know I do.
Best of luck in your degree.

Fashion Trend: Chokers

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I bet you read the title and just thought she is so stale. I promise I am not. This trend is something I looked at earlier with nostalgia and just smiled waiting for it to pass. It brought back memories of secondary school days, going for summer holiday and shopping at Claire’s.
Well the trend has evolved from the simple spiral wire types to velvet to lace to denim to diamond studded chokers, Shout out to Kim Kardashian.

Image via Instagram
I mean you cannot scroll through your Instagram news feed without seeing a choker in one day.
The best bit? You don’t need to break the bank or even spend money. If you’re strapped for cash then (carefully) tying a raw ribbon around your neck has got to be the cheapest, most instant DIY trend update we’ve ever seen.
Why you should wear the choker (Like you need actual reasons to be fashionable);

Transform your Outfit

Any boring old top or dress can become more interesting using a simple choker. Your outfit becomes rock star chic, edgy even classier depending on the style you choose

 Dress your upper body

A choker is for a tube or off shoulder style. Aren’t those collar bones and shoulders even more dazzling?

It is not just for the youngsters

You can go for diamond chokers. I am not joking. would be simply for the dinner party.

They mostly come in a set

I mean who doesn’t love a deal which includes more accessories?

Goes well with headgear

Try the shoe string styles (It is called Texas tie) when wearing hats; cowboy hats, etc.

Bustier for the neck

Wearing a corset or bustier can be one of the most uncomfortable things. Luckily the corset style chokers do just fine

Less is more

What better way to show your style with this simple trend

Hot Creative Natural Hair Updos For The New Year

Moving beyond 2-strand twist sets, braid outs, and afro puffs, YouTube vloggers around the web and fashion magazines inspire naturalistas to become do-it-yourselfers instantly.
Finding a “go-to” natural hair updo hairstyle that fits into your weekly routine will be a life saver.
Our schedules are busy from day to day, with this, it is not easy to keep up with styling hair.
A go-to natural hair updo can go from casual to formal in a matter of minutes.
The good thing about the styles we featured below, is that you can wear most of them from the office to a night out.
Some of the styles will make a statement for your wedding or many formal events.
From chic pompadour buns to textured twists and braided looks, a natural hair updo will catch eyes and give you a break from styling for a few days.