I miss being a child. I miss the adventures I had. I miss the freedom. I miss being able to think everything is possible. I want to give my children this gift. I want them to think they are unstoppable. I want them to have an imagination and generally be good people. This is the perfect time to imbibe the right values in them and what better way to do this than through great movies.
Watching television or movies should go beyond getting them to keep still while you do your thing.
Here’s a list of really great movies with moral lessons you probably that your children should not miss out on.

The Lion King
Everyone remembers Simba. This movie even though animated tells deep life truths about bravery, the coming of age, how having friends make bad situations more bearable (Timon and Pumbaa) even about betrayal from close family and obviously that everything would be alright in the end.

Children should not tell lies. You can scare them with stories about their nose growing.

Karate Kid
This is a really good movie especially if you have just moved to a new city. They learn about defending themselves against bullies. Of course expect a few karate moves after the movies, protect your breakables.

There is more to a person than just looks.

How to train your dragon
This is really new school though but it would help teach your kids to care for pets. Also there’s lots of action and flying around.

Akeelah and the Bee
If this doesn’t get them interested in spelling I don’t know what will.

Home Alone
Most children are afraid of being left alone or upset when their parents have to go out. At least they see how they can have some fun.

Parent Trap
There is so much divorce these days. This movie is bitter-sweet but love won at the end with the help of mischievous twins.

The Sound of Music
Lovely excuse to belt some tunes and dance around the house when asking the kids to do chores.
What are your top great movies for children?