This time last year I was single, this time this year I am single, well technically. What happened in between was an amazing journey. In December I met an old high school sweetheart and started the year on a promising note. There is no standard way to deal with a breakup, but I am going to share what worked for me.

1.Have a support systemI say this a lot because it is really important. I was one of those girls who did not mind cutting off my friends. I became so wrapped up in being in a relationship. The lesson here is that you need friends outside your relationship. It helps you keep a social life when your love interest is gone
2.Be AdventurousThere are many things you may have thought of doing that maybe your lover was not interested in, I say Do it! Do everything! Try things even if it means doing them alone
3.Enjoy your CompanyIt should not be so painful to be by yourself, use this time to think about the relationship what your faults were, warning signs you ignored and real plans for the other aspects of your life. This is the time to create new relationship goals, new spiritual goals and career goals
4.Forgive HimThere is nothing more that can hurt you than holding on to the past. There is no need to send angry texts and emails to relationship gurus. It will hurt, but you need to have faith that better things are around the corner. This is of course if you cannot change the situation. Please don’t resort to curses as well
5.Forgive YourselfYes, he was perfect, but maybe that is not the way your story would end.
Let me know what has worked for you.