As I write this, I remember NYSC camp: “Are you motivated? Motivated Motivated Motivated Moral? High’’, please ignore me and remain motivated.The key to achieving any form of success is motivation, but at times due to past failures or disappointments we tend to lose motivation and want to give up. Here are a few tips to help us remain motivated and achieve our goals.
1. Determine your motivating forceYour motivating force is the reason behind your decision to achieve your goals; the reason you want to succeed. It could be a monetary reward, personal gain, or it could be that it will take you a step closer to your greater goal. Whatever it is, keeping your mind on it will keep you motivated.
2. Remind yourself of your goals and keep track of your progressOne tip to staying motivated is taking the time to look at the big picture; realizing where you are and how much you have left to do. You need to see where you are in relation to your goals if you want to stay motivated
3. Reward yourself for accomplished goalsReward yourself every time you accomplish a goal. This will give you something to look forward to, thereby encouraging you to accomplish your goals. Your reward could be a well-deserved break, splurging on an item or even taking yourself on vacation.
4. Read and listen to motivational books and speechesReading inspiring books of what people had to overcome to reach their goals will keep your spirits up and help you stay motivated.
5 Stay positiveMotivation goes hand in hand with positivity; so even when things are looking down, keep your head up and push forward.