Being organised seems to come naturally to some, but to others, it doesn’t seem possible, but it is possible to be organised. All you have to do to stay organised is to follow these few steps.1.Stay on tracka)Put everything away as soon as you canThe easiest way to stay organised is to put things away as soon as you can. You will have to make a conscious effort to do this as it will make a huge difference in your life.b)Make a to-do list for the dayHaving a to-do list will help you set priorities for your dayc)Have a planner and keep it up to dated)Learn to use drawers, boxes and other storage systemsEnsure you know what goes into each drawer, so when you need something you know where to looke)Devote time each day for organisationTake time out each day to organise (about 10 – 15 minutes a day is fine)f)Keep a notepad close by
2.Keep your life simplea)Buy only essential itemsDon’t buy anything you don’t need as this will just clutter your householdb)Dispose of anything you don’t needMake a monthly habit disposing of anything you don’t use or need in your housec)Learn to say NOOne other way to stay organised is to learn to say no. Don’t feel guilty about saying no, just apologise and try to come up with a compromise if you want to.d)Treat time like moneyThink of time as a commodity. How much time do you have? How much time do you spend on unnecessary things?e)Plan meals in advanceHave a weekly mealtime table, this will keep you organised and help you avoid thinking about what to eatf)Run your errands sensibly
3.Follow througha)Hold yourself accountable to friends and familyLet your family and friends know your plan to stay organised so they can help you out when possibleb)Set deadlinesGive yourself deadlines to finish tasksc)Avoid perfectiond)Delegate when you cane)Reward yourself when you accomplish tasksThis is important, as you will have something to look forward to when you complete your task.