Welcome to 2017! I hope this Year is filled with pleasant moments and memories for you and all yours.
While working hard to make your dreams come true this year, remember to relax and have a little fun with your friends and family. Here are a few movies to watch this month.
1.The Wedding Party

I know this was part of the movies to watch in December, but I need to remind you to watch this movie. I watched this movie, and I had fun throughout, I loooove this movie. If you have watched it already, watch it again!
2.Brother Jekwu

This movie depicts a village champion with bad English who travels from Nigeria to Kenya to work for a female boss. This movie has been showing at the cinemas since last year, so watch it now.
3.Hidden figures

Three brilliant African-American women (Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae), serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit.
I love anything about Women empowerment or Women making waves, so this is a must watch for me. It starts showing on the 13th January at cinemas nationwide.
4.Saving Dreams

A naive girl with dreams of stardom marries a powerful man, who abuses her while running a foundation that protects abused women. This drama unfolds the power of hope and willpower. The movie will start showing on the 20th of January, 2017.