Given the amount of time we spend at work, it is very common to be attracted and even start an affair with a colleague. This type of office romance relationship is not for the faint hearted.
You should go into the relationship prepared. Here are the pros and cons;
Pros of office romance
1. No extra effort to meet ‘Bae’
In today’s hectic work environment it can be difficult to find the time to ‘get out there’ and find a suitable partner. Did I mention it is cheaper? No expensive dates required in the “getting to know each other” part.
2. Less Surprises
When you work with someone you have a basic idea of who they are, how successful they are, how much they are earning, what their aims in life may are etc . The best part is, you get all of this information naturally or atleast in a less suspicious manne
3. Spending maximum time with each other
If you start to date someone you work with, you will get the chance to spend a lot of time with them, and chances are you had been spending this time with them prior to dating. Basically, you have him under your nose.
4. Happiness at work
The early stages of dating are the best times. You’re excited every time you see the person, you’re happier than you may otherwise be, and because of this you’re generally more approachable as a person.
5. Relationship Privileges at work
If you are dating a workmate they will be more willing to go that extra mile for you than anyone else would. They will be willing to stay late with you, and to spare you the time that no one else would like to give you, simply due to the fact they have feelings for you.
Cons of office romance
1. Gossip
If you start a relationship with someone in your office, you can be sure that other people will gossip about it.
2. Jealousy
Jealousy can come from a few sides. Firstly, your co-workers may be jealous of the relationship you have, especially if it is an employer/employee kind of love.
You may also get jealous if you catch bae flirting with the client for a referral.
3. Spending too much time together
It may kill a little of the romance, as you miss out on the excitement of waiting to see them at the end of the day. If you see each other all the time with no breaks, it can be hard to accept the little things they do that annoy you, and that just builds up until something explodes.
4. Losing Objectivity
You must try and keep your personal feelings out of the business decisions that you make, and this is not always easy to do.
5. Breaking up is hard to do
Be prepared to lose your job. This may be extreme as it is very difficult to have to work with and see an ex everyday whilst hearing about their business.