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When you’re trying to get pregnant, you may need to give up some of your habits.No one enjoys giving up the things they know and love, but to have a baby, it’s really worth it, right?
There are certain foods you should cut back on (and avoid), and some healthy lifestyle changes to start making.
Things to Do While Trying To Conceive
Drop that soda and fruit juice

Avoid soda and fruit juice. They’re both very high in sugar, they raise your blood sugar levels very quickly and that can have a negative impact on fertility. It’s also a good idea to eliminate trans fats from your diet, as consuming too much has been linked to infertility. Read labels to find out if you’ve been unknowingly consuming trans fats in processed, packaged foods.
It’s important to start supplementing on folic acid about three months before you plan to get pregnant because it takes a while to build up in your body. Buy it over the counter or at a supplement store. It’s also a good idea to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet as some studies have linked a deficiency to infertility. Vitamin B6 and omega-3 fish oil supplements have also been linked to possibly aiding infertility treatments.
Stay Away From Lubricants
There is some conflicting evidence, but a number of studies have found that vaginal lubricants can both damage sperm and interfere with their ability to travel to the uterus to fertilize an egg.
This is true for many store-bought lubricants as well as for many homemade versions, such as olive oil.
While the pH (acidity) of cervical mucus produced just before ovulation is perfect for sperm survival and movement, the pH of most lubricants isn’t sperm friendly. In fact, it’s acidic enough to kill sperm.
In addition, the thickness of lubricants can make it difficult for sperm to travel, and the water content can damage the sperm by causing them to absorb water.
The best lubricant to use when conception is your goal is foreplay. Take your time working up to intercourse. Ask your partner to do more touching, hugging, and kissing. 
Many women say they need 15 to 20 minutes of stimulation to get in the mood.
If you still feel dry despite all attempts at foreplay, use warm water as a lubricant. Water is not toxic to sperm and won’t interfere with the sperm’s ability to reach the cervix.
If you still feel the need to use a lubricant while trying to become pregnant, it’s best to buy one that’s been shown in clinical trials to be safe and effective for conception.
Stay Away From Certain Medications
Medications like isotretinoin, better known as Accutane (for acne), Coumadin (an anticoagulant used to prevent blood clotting), tetracycline (for acne or infections), valproic acid (for epilepsy), ACE inhibitors (for hypertension), injectable or preventative drugs like Imitrex and propranolol (for migraines), anti-malarial drugs like Plaquenil, or high doses of steroids like cortisone and prednisone (for lupus) should be avoided. But make sure you talk with your doctor before you stop taking any prescribed medication.
Many over-the-counter medications are safe in small amounts. But some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as Motrin, Aleve, or any drug containing ibuprofen, can impair ovulation and make the lining of your uterus less favorable for implantation. With the exception of Tylenol — which is safe to take any time — you should take NSAIDS only while you’re menstruating if you’re trying to conceive.The best advice is to talk with your physician before taking any medication.
A baby develops rapidly during the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the mother-to-be knows that she’s expecting.
Some research suggests that even a moderate level of alcohol can increase the chance of a miscarriage.Experts are yet to define a safe level of alcohol for women who are pregnant nor do they know whether or how babies differ in their sensitivity and reaction to alcohol. But because the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy are well known, women trying to conceive and those already pregnant should probably play it safe and avoid all alcoholic beverages.
Balance the Scales
Studies show that being both underweight and overweight can have an effect on fertility and fetal health. Check with your healthcare provider to determine what your ideal weight is and what steps you need to take to get there.
Quit Smoking
According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Women who smoke before pregnancy are about twice as likely to experience a delay in conception and about 30 percent more likely to be infertile than women who don’t smoke.Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have a low birth weight, to be born prematurely, or to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Stop Drinking CaffeineCut back on caffeine or just give it up entirely. Some studies show that those who drink caffeine are less likely to get pregnant.
Eat A Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet is one of the important things to remember while trying to conceive. This can help you keep your weight in check and can keep your body in top shape so you can more easily get pregnant.